A Few Simple Traits that Make a Good Web Design

Most websites nowadays are considered flashy and beautiful, to the point that people think that a good web design always puts emphasis on aesthetic features. While there is some truth behind this, i.e. websites need to look pretty to grab attention; web design is more than just about creating a fancy, eye-catching layout. There are other website features that only design professionals can provide, which probably explains the prevalence of Sunshine Coast web design companies.

Case in point, a website needs to be ergonomic so that users won’t be easily frustrated as they go about with their business. This can be quite challenging, though, because web ergonomics entail “eye-friendly” text, seamless transitioning between webpages, and quick access to all the other features that the website offers. Addressing these needs may result in an adaptable website, i.e. a site that can change its layout seamlessly based on how the user manipulates the web browser’s window.

The site also needs to be fast enough to load its contents, regardless of the variability of internet connection speeds (esp. in Australia). A simple way of creating a fast-loading website is to reduce the number of images, videos, and other types of media it employs. While this can certainly make load times much shorter, user satisfaction may also be sacrificed. Thus, a good web design needs to come up with more effective ways that don’t rely on removing content.

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