What Does 2016 Have in Store for SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) has been the buzz word within the field of online marketing and its importance will remain just as prominent in 2016. What are some of the top techniques that are predicted to make a lasting impression and how can Sunshine Coast enterprises employ them to make a positive impact?
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How to Future-Proof Your Web Design

Web design trends come and go based on the whims of today’s consumers and major search engines. Sometimes, it gets difficult to predict which of the latest fad to follow in order to keep up-to-date and cater to your users’ preferences. There are, however, certain measures you can take to future-proof your web design right now. This way, you can better adapt to coming changes. Continue reading

The Importance of Site Compatibility across Browsers

Many web design enthusiasts tout the virtues of “responsive” web design, i.e. the ability of a website to adapt to various screen sizes and orientations and thereby provide an optimal user experience across different devices. Browser compatibility is just as crucial when it comes to the user experience. Continue reading